
What is sports equipment delay?

If you’re an adventure traveler, it can be incredibly frustrating to arrive at your destination only to find that the sports equipment you handed over to the airline alongside your checked baggage did not successfully make the trip.

An early tee off time the next morning or plans to set out on a scuba diving trip soon after arriving can be seriously derailed by such an eventuality. And airlines can’t always find your lost luggage as quickly as you might hope — you may be waiting days for your clubs, skis, or surfboard to make it back to you. That’s why if you’re traveling with your own sporting equipment, it may be wise to consider taking out sports equipment delay coverage, which can reimburse you for the cost of having to rent equipment until your own gear arrives safely.


Do I need sports equipment delay coverage?

Sports equipment delay coverage goes hand and hand with sports equipment insurance — and both may be included in the standard baggage insurance benefit that is part of a comprehensive travel insurance policy.

Just like baggage insurance, sports equipment insurance provides coverage if your gear is lost, stolen, or damaged by a common carrier. Whereas sports delay coverage is similar to baggage delay benefit: it provides reimbursement for the cost of renting sports equipment (or even purchasing it in some policies) if your equipment is delayed in arriving. Note that both kinds of benefits are distinct from trip delay, trip cancellation, and trip interruption coverage, though these are commonly included in standard travel insurance policies as well.

It’s a great idea to take out a travel insurance policy that includes sports equipment delay if you have scheduled sports and adventure activities on your trip that you don’t want to be disrupted or delayed. This kind of coverage will give you peace of mind in knowing that your planned itinerary can go ahead even if your sports equipment and personal effects arrive days after you do.

Look at it this way: if it’s worth traveling with your own sports equipment, then it’s worth insuring it so that you don’t end up having to pay out of pocket if something unexpected happens.


What does sports equipment delay cover? What is not covered?

As with any travel insurance benefit, there are some exclusions and limitations on what is covered by sports equipment delay. Your equipment’s arrival must be delayed for a covered reason, usually a mistake or error by a common carrier — not because you forgot to pack it and asked your friend who is arriving on a later flight to bring it along for you.

Typically, a delay of just a few hours or half a day will not be covered, and there will often be a minimum time limit (maybe 24 hours) which applies before you can be reimbursed for any equipment rental or replacement costs.

In addition, sports equipment delay coverage only applies for delays that happen while you are on your covered trip. That means that delays to your baggage or equipment once you return home are generally not covered. So, for example, if you’re going to need your golf clubs immediately after your return flight, any golf equipment delay will not count as a covered reason once you’ve returned back home from your trip away.

There is typically also a maximum limit shown in your policy document which you can claim up to. battleface offers reimbursement for sports equipment rental or purchase of up to $100 per day, for a maximum of $500 for your trip.


Making a sports equipment delay claim

If you do run into a delay of your sporting or golf equipment, then you’ll want to know how to make a successful claim. Familiarizing yourself with your policy terms before setting out on your trip can help ensure that you know what to do if faced with this situation.

First, ensure that the delay itself is listed under one of the covered reasons in your policy documents. Second, you must keep all receipts and documentation for any incurred expenses and additional costs related to renting or purchasing replacement sports equipment. If you don’t have receipts, then credit card statements may suffice — but the more documentation you can provide, the more likely you are to be able to make a successful claim.

You’ll need to ensure you have filed an incident report with the airline or common carrier that confirms the delay, and verifies that it was indeed their fault. And finally, you’ll need to ensure that the amount you’re claiming reimbursement for falls under the maximum limit shown in your policy document.

Traveling with lots of baggage and equipment always implies a certain degree of risk. With sports equipment delay coverage, however, you can minimize the financial risk you may face if your sporting equipment ends up being delayed.


Pre-Existing Medical Condition means an illness, disease, or other condition during the 180 day period immediately prior to the date Your coverage is effective :
  1. received or received a recommendation for a test, examination, or medical treatment for a condition which first manifested itself, worsened or became acute, or had symptoms which would have prompted a reasonable person to seek diagnosis, care or treatment; or
  2. took or received a prescription for drugs or medicine. Item (2) of this definition does not apply to a condition which is treated or controlled solely through the taking of prescription drugs or medicine and remains treated or controlled without any adjustment or change in the required prescription throughout the 180 day period before coverage is effective under this policy.
  3. required a change in prescribed medication. Change in prescribed medication means the dosage or frequency of a medication has been reduced, increased, stopped and/or new medications have been prescribed due to the worsening of an underlying condition that is being treated with the medication, unless the change is:
    1. between a brand name and a generic medication with comparable dosage; or
    2. an adjustment to insulin or anti-coagulant dosage.
If you, or someone you are traveling with, has a Pre-Existing Medical Condition, you can still buy a policy from us but there is no cover for any claim arising directly or indirectly from that condition.


Any Medical Condition that, within the last 12 months, required any:

  • surgery, inpatient or outpatient treatment, referrals or investigations of any sort. This includes being on any waiting list, taking any prescription medication, tablets or required medical treatment (This will not apply to common colds, flu or contraceptive medication);
  • medical advice or treatment for any respiratory condition relating to the lungs or breathing;
  • medical advice or treatment for any heart, stroke or diabetic condition;

Hypertension or high cholesterol controlled by 1 prescription drug only and where the dosage has not been changed within the last 12 months will not be considered a pre-existing medical condition

Coverages Available:

*not all coverages are available in all states
Travel Protection Benefits Limits
Trip Cancellation 100% of trip cost (up to a maximum of $20,000)
Single Occupancy Up to trip cost
Cancel for Any Reason Up to 75% of trip cost Up to 50% of trip costs in FL(CFAR not available to NY residents)
Trip Interruption 150% of trip cost
Delay Package
Trip Delay
Maximum $200 per day up to $2,500
Missed Connection Maximum of $1,000 per covered trip
Baggage Package – Excess
Baggage and Personal Effects $2,500 $100 Deductible
Baggage Delay $100 per day up to a maximum of $500
Travel Medical Package – Excess AK, CO, ID, ND, NH – Primary
Travel Medical Expense – Adventure sports included $100,000 $50,000 in NH $50 Deductible
Emergency Dental $750
Emergency Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains Up to $500,000
Up to $1,000,000 in NH
Accidental Death & Dismemberment $100,000 or $250,000 or $500,000
Pet Medical Package
Pet Medical Expense Up to $2,000 $100 Deductible
Pet Return Up to $500
Rental Vehicle Damage – Primary Up to $35,000 per rented vehicle- Primary $250 Deductible for loss greater than $2,000
Vacation Rental Damage $1,500 or $3,000 or $5,000

Travel Medical Insurance

Some benefits are subject to an excess (aka, the deductible, or what you have to pay before we pay), as stated in the Policy Schedule, and are per Policy Period.

Benefits Limits
Cancellation and Curtailment 5,000
Emergency Medical Expenses, Evacuation and Repatriation of Mortal Remains 10,000,000 (excess 250 or 50)
Hospital Benefit 25 per day, maximum 100
Personal Accident up to 250,000
Baggage Loss or Delay up to 5,000 (excess 250 or 50)
Personal Money and Passport, limited to 250 in respect of cash 500 (excess 250 or 50)
Personal Liability 500,000
Travel Delay 500
Optional Benefits Limits
Business Extension up to 1,000 (excess 100)
Winter Sports (Ski Equipment) up to 750 (excess 50 or 100)

Travel Medical Insurance

Some benefits are subject to an excess (aka, the deductible, or what you have to pay before we pay), as stated in the Policy Schedule, and are per Policy Period.

Benefits Limits
Trip Interruption 2,000
Emergency Medical Expenses, Evacuation and Repatriation of Mortal Remains 10,000,000 (excess 250)
Hospital Benefit 25 per day, maximum 100
Personal Accident up to 5,000
Baggage Loss or Delay up to 2,000 (excess 250 or 50)
Personal Money and Passport, limited to 250 in respect of cash 500 (excess 250) *** Limited to 250 in respect of cash
Personal Liability 500,000
Optional Benefits Limits
Business Extension up to 1,000 (excess 100)
Winter Sports (Ski Equipment) up to 750 (excess 50 or 100)
Personal Accident up to 250,000
Baggage up to 10,000

Travel Medical Insurance

Some benefits are subject to an excess (aka, the deductible, or what you have to pay before we pay), as stated in the Policy Schedule, and are per Policy Period.

Benefits Limits
Cancellation up to $20,000
Trip Interruption $1,000
Medical and Emergency Expenses $5,000,000 (deductible $250)
Hospital Benefit $25 per day, maximum $100
Personal Accident up to $50,000
Baggage $2,000 (deductible $250)
Personal Money and Passport, limited to $250 in respect of cash $500 (deductible $250)
Personal Liability $500,000
Optional Benefits Limits
Business Extension up to $1,000 (deductible $100)
Winter Sports (Ski Equipment) up to $750 (deductible $50 or $100)

Travel Medical Insurance

Some benefits are subject to an excess (aka, the deductible, or what you have to pay before we pay), as stated in the Policy Schedule, and are per Policy Period.

Benefits Limits
Cancellation and Curtailment 5,000
Emergency Medical Expenses, Evacuation and Repatriation of Mortal Remains 10,000,000 (excess 250 or 50)
Hospital Benefit 25 per day, maximum 100
Personal Accident up to 250,000
Baggage Loss or Delay up to 5,000 (excess 250 or 50)
Personal Money and Passport, limited to 250 in respect of cash 500 (excess 250 or 50)
Personal Liability 500,000
Travel Delay 500
Optional Benefits Limits
Business Extension up to 1,000 (excess 100)
Winter Sports (Ski Equipment) up to 750 (excess 50 or 100)
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